New Proposed Blue Spur From Cedar Knolls Trail to Morris Plains
A new spur is being proposed to go from the Patriots' Path near Cedar Knolls to the Morris Plains Train Station along Route 24 that was never made. Also, the Cory Road section as well as the Cedar Knolls trail will be reopened soon. Also a new section through Bee Meadow Park is on its way.
Patriots' Path in Ralston Has Been Extended
Patriots' Path at Mount Paul Place
The Mendham Blue Trail along the Rockabye R.R. has been extended to Mount Paul Memorial Park (not fully blazed yet. Soon it will be connected with the trailhead on Daly Road in Willowwood Arboretum).
Patriots' Path in Washington is Complete
By taking the Columbia Trail and cutting through a golf course, you can get from Schooleys Mountain Park to Black River Park and WMA.
It is not yet blazed through the golf course, but if you follow my directions, you can find your way.
It is not yet blazed through the golf course, but if you follow my directions, you can find your way.
Patriots' Path New Reroute
The paths in Chester and Washington Township will soon be connected via the Columbia Trail. The Gillette Trail is now blue blazed and the white trail cuts through Palmer Park to Tanner's Brook Road. I do not know if it is completed because there were barely any blazes. I tried to go on the trail, but it brings you to a golf course and says to turn left and then there are no more blazes. From Tanner's Brook Road there is a new trail that looks like it goes to Palmer Fields, but I did not go far down it. It parallels Tanner's Brook Road for a little bit then darts into the woods. The connection of Patriots' Path on the Columbia Trail is not complete either, but it will be soon. Stay tuned!
Update: Reroute of Patriots' Path in Chester
The trail in Chester has been rerouted. Instead of going through Black River WMA it Cut across through Black River Fields. The other end used to end at Pleasant Hill Road, that section is now blue blazed. The other end by Furnace Road got rerouted as well. The Route 206 trailhead has been rerouted, so the trail now crosses Furnace Road where the blue trail went, and then turns and follows the old CHubb Park red trail, which is now blue, and then turns onto a railbed and ends at E. Mill Road also known as Old Route 24. It used to follow Furnace Road then dart back into the woods and go to Route 206.